Be the Light
A School Street Yoga Festival
Friday – Sunday, November 1 – 3, 2024
Visit School Street Yoga for a special weekend featuring 25+ classes and workshops led by nineteen instructors and masters.
We will be turning our clocks back over this weekend. What better time to find new ways of reflection, radiance, and growth?
Festival passports: $50 each or $25 with I ♥ Yoga
Festival Passport Purchase Options:
Be the Light Yoga Festival Day 1: Friday, November 1
For this class we will focus on the grounding and centering of the season, encouraging stability and rootedness through balancing shapes and slow movement
Feel open in your heart both figuratively and literally. Let's invite passion, generosity and community as we move through heart opening poses in this slow flow class.
This class is a total-body, low-impact workout that integrates elements of Pilates, Yoga, dance and strength training.
Join us to connect to the pulsing radiant hum of the universe alive in your body and all beings. We will relax the physical body with restorative yoga poses and unlock our deep inner glow through rhythmic sound.
Be the Light Yoga Festival Day 2: Saturday, November 2
Qigong for the Winter Phase: a water element class.
Creative Flow combines traditional Vinyasa Flow with creative flow/somatic movement for a more creative and intuitive approach to movement and yoga. Oracle cards will be available at the end of class.
We will welcome and nurture the light within, as the seasons slowly move towards winter and shorter days.
Get ready for some fun! We'll laugh, play, and move our bodies with the people who matter most!
Note: Your child is admitted free with your purchase of the ✨ Be the Light festival pass
Strengthen your inner fire with deep core work and a centering standing pose flow. A stronger core protects our backs and allows us to safely go to our edge. Prepare to leave class glowing and inspired!
Learn about Usui Reiki Healing and experience the Universal Life Force Energy for relaxation and stress relief. Powerful!
Let’s explore our yoga poses from the inside! By going deep we can experience our own warm light and shine.
Discover how to tap into your innate guidance system through practices like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, and connecting with nature. Explore the use of divination tools like pendulums, oracle cards, and dowsing rods to access deeper insights. Cultivating inner wisdom leads to authentic decision-making, reduced stress, and enhanced relationships. Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery?
Spark inspiration and creativity within your yoga practice by exploring less common, innovative and playful yoga postures within a Vinyasa Flow class.
This workshop is a guide to bringing peace to your heart through the art of Feng Shui.
Access your subtle body and neutral mind through breath work, sets of exercises, mantra, and meditation. This sequence is selected to address the whole of you through the transitional season of fall. An all-levels, 60-minute class, adaptations are offered.
A mindful journey guided by an instructor to leave you feeling settled, centered and restored.
Be the Light Yoga Festival Day 3: Sunday, November 3
Yin yoga brings focus to that which makes light visible: the dark, weight, chilly nights, and winter as we welcome the dark season and its nourishment of our roots
Come see what mindfulness meditation has to offer, and you may find yourself crossing the threshold to practice with relative ease.
Curious about going upside down? Even if you just want to begin to strengthen toward inversions, you are welcome to attend. We will be moving toward shoulder stand, head stand, forearm stand and hand stand. But please don't come to class thinking you will pop into this. Safety is our primary concern. We will build strength and play at the wall. And legs up the wall is always an option.
A complete introduction to Homeopathy and implementing it in your life, and the concept of Homeoprophylaxis, or lessening susceptibility to disease before it happens. You will leave with some remedies to have in your medicine tool kit.
Chair Yoga incorporates elements from traditional yoga including breathing techniques, meditation and physical postures while sitting in a chair or using a chair for balance. Performing yoga in a chair provides extra support for individuals looking for a gentle practice.
Hula-hooping is an age-less form of fun and movement that energizes, tones, and delights. No previous experience needed.
Daoist Flow is a gentle combination of yoga, somatic movement, and qigong.
Grab a partner, romantic or otherwise, as we move through poses and breathwork as a means of fostering connection.
Note: Your partner is admitted free with your purchase of the ✨ Be the Light festival pass
Gather together for an hour of pure relaxation. With the use of Himalayan singing bowls, chimes, drums, flutes and even voice, we will journey into a deep meditation, and leave relaxed and refreshed